Month: November 2022


Simple GSAP text animation on scroll (2 ways)

This method uses GSAP to add a class to an element and the animation is in css. GSAP: SCSS:...

Widgets in Gutenberg – issues

Reuseable blocks widget seems to work but the block UI is a bit broken at the moment and it...

Co Blocks Plugin

Great for wavy divider blocks

Browser Shots

Insert screenshots in a page/post with shortcodes, example:

Using the WP flexbox grid

. A ul is given the following classes: class=”is-flex-container columns-3 wp-block-post-template is-layout-flow” CSS being applied is

GSAP animated Separator

setup the Separator Style in block-styles.js setup the gsap Add the SCSS

Customizer settings – functions

If you want customizer option not ACF options, then inside the after_theme_setup add these. Setting a custom background colour:...

Image sizes – functions

add image sizes inside after_theme_setup Allow featured imagess: setting up additional image sizes (only use if required in the...

Additional Functions php

Support JSON mimes type: Support SVG mimes type: or use the SVG support plugin can be useful to add...

General Functions php

Register a widget area (inside after_setup_theme)

Month: November 2022

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