theme.json naming (slugs)

Design system

*taken from twenty twenty four and ollie theme

And articles by Richard Tabor


Brand: primary, secondary, tertiary, quaternary, quinary, senary, septenary, octonary, nonary, and denary

Variations: primary-accent, primary-contrast

Percentages: primary-10

Utility: success, error, warning, highlight

Base(eg: black to white ): base, base-10

Text default: primary-text, secondary-text…

Backgrounds: primary-background…

Dark or Light: primary-dark, primary-text-dark, primary-background-dark

CSS Custom Variables Example: var(–wp–preset–color–primary), var(–wp–preset–color–base)

"settings": {
  "appearanceTools": true,
  "color": {
	  "defaultDuotone": false,
		"defaultPalette": false,
		"defaultGradients": false,
		"palette": [
		  "name": "Primary",
			"slug": "primary",
			"color": "#4d34fa"
		  "name": "Primary",
			"slug": "primary-10",
			"color": "#edebff"
		  "name": "Base",
			"slug": "base",
			"color": "#000000"
		  "name": "Primary Background",
			"slug": "primary-background",
			"color": "#ffffff"


primary-duotone, secondary-duotone, custom-duotone, grayscale….

CSS Custom Variables Example: var(–wp–preset–duotone–duotone-1), var(–wp–preset–duotone–duotone-2)

"duotone": [
		"name": "Primary Duotone",
		"slug": "duotone-1",
		"colors": [
		"name": "Sunset",
		"slug": "duotone-2",
		"colors": [
		"name": "Grayscale",
		"slug": "duotone-3",
		"colors": [


CSS Custom Variables Example: var(–wp–preset–gradient–gradient-1), var(–wp–preset–gradientgradient-2)

"gradients": [
  	"name": "Primary",
  	"slug": "gradient-1",
  	"gradient": "linear-gradient(135deg, #4d34fa, #edebff)"
  	"name": "Primary to Secondary",
  	"slug": "gradient-2",
  	"gradient": "linear-gradient(135deg, #4d34fa, #636381)"
  	"name": "Purple",
  	"slug": "gradient-3",
  	"gradient": "linear-gradient(135deg, #4D34FA, #ad34fa)"
  	"name": "Base",
  	"slug": "gradient-4",
  	"gradient": "linear-gradient(135deg, #000000, #ffffff)"

Typography custom settings

CSS Custom Variables Example: var(–wp–preset–font-family–heading), var(–wp–preset–font-family–body)

Font sizes:

CSS Custom Variables Example: var(–wp–preset–font-size–x-small), var(–wp–preset–font-size–small)

!! An alternative to x-small, small etc could be h1, h2, h3, p etc, This would allow you to easily use a heading 2 and then size it with h1 or h3 font size !!

"typography": {
	"dropCap": false,
	"fluid": true,
	"fontFamilies": [
			"fontFace": [
					"fontFamily": "\"Playfair Display\"",
					"fontStyle": "normal",
					"fontWeight": "700",
					"src": ""
					"fontFamily": "\"Playfair Display\"",
					"fontStyle": "italic",
					"fontWeight": "700",
					"src": ""
			"fontFamily": "\"Playfair Display\", serif",
			"name": "Playfair Display",
			"slug": "heading"
	"fontSizes": [
			"fluid": {
				"min": ".9rem",
				"max": "1rem"
			"size": "1rem",
			"slug": "x-small",
			"name": "Extra Small"
			"fluid": {
				"min": "1rem",
				"max": "1.2rem"
			"size": "1.2rem",
			"slug": "small"

Font weights and line height:

CSS Custom Variables Example: var(–wp–custom–font-weight–bold), var(–wp–custom–line-height–heading)

Note: Slugs for line height could also be: xs, sm, md, lg OR xsmall, small, medium etc.

"settings": {
	"custom": {
		"fontWeight": {
			"thin": 100,
			"extra-light": 200,
			"light": 300,
			"regular": 400,
			"medium": 500,
			"semi-bold": 600,
			"bold": 700,
			"extra-bold": 800,
			"black": 900
		"lineHeight": {
			"none": 1,
			"tight": 1.1,
			"snug": 1.2,
			"normal": 1.5,
			"relaxed": 1.625,
			"loose": 2,
			"body": "calc(1px + 2ex + 7px)",
			"heading": "1.1"

Spacing settings

CSS Custom Variables Example: var(–wp–preset–spacing–medium)

"settings": {
  "spacing": {
  	"spacingSizes": [
  		"name": "Small",
  		"size": "clamp(.5rem, 2.5vw, 1rem)",
  		"slug": "10"
  		"name": "Medium",
  		"size": "clamp(1.5rem, 4vw, 2rem)",
  		"slug": "20"
  		"name": "Large",
  		"size": "clamp(2rem, 5vw, 3rem)",
  		"slug": "30"
  		"name": "Extra Large",
  		"size": "clamp(3rem, 7vw, 5rem)",
  		"slug": "40"
  		"name": "2xl",
  		"size": "clamp(4rem, 9vw, 7rem)",
  		"slug": "50"
  		"name": "3xl",
  		"size": "clamp(5rem, 12vw, 9rem)",
  		"slug": "60"
  		"name": "4xl",
  		"size": "clamp(6rem, 14vw, 13rem)",
  		"slug": "70"


CSS Custom Variables Example: var(–wp–preset–shadow–small)

		"shadow": {
			"presets": [
					"name": "Default",
					"shadow": "6px 6px 6px rgba(0, 0, 0, 1)",
					"slug": "default"
					"name": "Small",
					"shadow": "0 1px 3px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), 0 1px 2px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.06)",
					"slug": "small"
					"name": "Medium",
					"shadow": "0 4px  10px 0 rgba( 0, 0, 0, 0.3 )",
					"slug": "medium"
					"name": "Large",
					"shadow": "0 8px  15px 0 rgba( 0, 0, 0, 0.3 )",
					"slug": "large"

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