


Adding a dashicon using custom HTML layout icon And add this to functions.php Block Icon file functions.php > require...

Content Security Policy Manager

Using the CSP Manager plugin you can restrict access to site resources. Example you can set only images form...

Best Practice – Code styling and formatting

CSS Hypens, lower case, example: .btn-green or #sidebar-right JS Variable and function names should be full words, using camel...

Component Address details

Add ACF fields to options page: Template tags SCSS: A simpler way: blocks with classes Add a icon class...

Widgets in Gutenberg – issues

Reuseable blocks widget seems to work but the block UI is a bit broken at the moment and it...

Using the WP flexbox grid

. A ul is given the following classes: class=”is-flex-container columns-3 wp-block-post-template is-layout-flow” CSS being applied is

GSAP animated Separator

setup the Separator Style in block-styles.js setup the gsap Add the SCSS


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